Trigger Point Therapy Workbook Your Self Treatment Guide for Pain Relief 2ND EDITION [PB


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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
lucy burrows
I love this book. Learning about trigger points, the variety of symptoms they cause, and the way to release them to relieve pain has changed my life. I've had my book for 3 years now, and it is all hi-lighted up! I find that trigger points cause 95% of any of my body's pain, and I have the ability to treat myself for relief. It has helped me to understand and relieve pain in my back, ankle, thumb joints, wrist, neck, shins (cramps) and hip. I wound recommend this for anyone who has chronic pain issues. I have bought this book for 3 other people, and they all have thanked me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I have used this book for finding trigger points in my back for recurrent neck and shoulder pain, but when I herniated a disc it did not occur to me to turn to it immediately. It was when I had terrible cramping in my calf and thigh that pulled the book out again. I was able to get relief at 2AM that ice and heat faled to help with and during that time I had to wait for pain meds to take effect. My husband has carple tunnel syndrom that he is able to get some relief from. It is a great book, with picture diagrams, to go with step by step directions. This book is a great investment.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mary alice
I am a runner and developed what was diagnosed as a neuroma in my foot. I was told that I could treat it either by having the nerve in my foot surgically removed or by having alcohol injected into my foot to kill the nerve. Understandably I wasn't looking forward to either option, but the pain in my foot left me feeling like I had no choice but to go through with one of the treatments.

I found this book through a Google search and decided to give it a try as a last ditch attempt to avoid the knife and needle.

The excellent diagrams and clear text in the book enabled me to locate and treat the trigger points that were causing my foot pain. The trigger points in my foot were so sensitive I almost passed out when I first located them and applied even slight pressure. I followed the book's directions for massaging the trigger points and WITHIN TWO DAYS my "neuroma" was gone! I had suffered with it for months and it was simply massaged away in two days. It has not returned.

Not only did the book guide me to the trigger points in my foot that were causing me pain, it also led me to trigger points in my other foot that had not yet manifested as painfully but were no doubt on their way to becoming a problem, too. In other words, the information in this book helps identify and alleviate causes of pain - and helps me proactively prevent pain from developing in the first place.

I have used the ideas and information in this book to treat plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, calf tension, hip flexibility issues ... the list goes on and on. This book has been the best tool I've found yet to keep me healthy and out on the roads.

I think every runner should have this book.
Forever Amber (Rediscovered Classics) :: Kathleen New edition (2002) - Forever Amber by Winsor :: The Survivor Chronicles: Book 4, The Risen :: Pay Any Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War :: Katherine
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
chris carr
The Trigger point Therapy work book does really work for me. I have had lower back and sciatica hip pain. I have gone to a Massage Therapist, Doctor, and Chiropractic. All have helped a me little, but the the Trigger Point Book has helped me immensely pointing out the problem causes and solutions. The book tells me how to find the pain spots (trigger points) and how to deal with it. I have really solved a lot of my pain problems. This is a handy book to have.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I've been suffering from back pain over the years. Primarily because our 120 pound dog stumbles and falls occasionally (he has neuropathy) and picking him up causes me issues sometimes. My last bout the doctor I saw recommended the therapy cane and from that I researched books and came across this one and decided to try it from all the reviews. I can add that it really helped me find the right spot to use the cane. I've been pain free now for over a month.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
pete taylor
I have sufferred from shoulder, upper and mid back pain on my right side for a number of years. This book helped explain the muscles involved and the activities that aggravate them. I learned about trigger points and have used this information to address my pain. I use the Back Buddy to massage the trigger points and now suffer from much less pain. I highly recommend this book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is very informative. I read the first chapters which explain everything about trigger points and then I went on to the areas that interested me because that is where I am feeling pain. I didn't know anything about trigger points and now I'm glad that I decided to get this book. Together with the TheraCane Massager it has made a big difference in my chronic neck and shoulder pains. I recommend it!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
demid getik
My wife has been doing trigger point therapy and reflexology for years. I actually spotted this book in a local bookstore and thumbed through it. It's written by someone who got into trigger point therapy by necessiity. The more I read into the book, the more it made sense. I sat there in the bookstore with this book in hand and worked on triggers for my right knee. It's amazing. Results take time, and you have to keep working the trigger points, but you will get some positive results after the first session, although the results may be quite mild or possibly undetectable. But you will eventually notice. I don't normally follow this sort of therapy. I usually regard it as balderdash. Glad I tried it though.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
colette pezley
I have dealt with golfers elbow for years getting by with ice and rest but it would never go away. This book suggested a trigger point in the upper arm that I eventually found-a little hard ball that is not present on my good arm. I was amazed at how a little massage on that gives the elbow immediate relief. It was literally instantaneous. The elbow isn`t cured but 75% better with no more instances of extreme pain. After a little more research with the book I found trigger points in my back that give relief to lower back pain. A fanastic book, easy to read and use.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
josh ralske
A quick look:
Pros - Very informative, easy to find what you are looking for, each section is very easy to follow.
Cons - Might seem a little overwhelming at first because of the size. No problem though!

Why I bought this book - I was getting migraines once or twice a week and was going to a chiropractor at least once a month for activator adjustment and massage therapy.

Use of this book - I bought this book along with the "back buddy" massage tool. Instead of going through the book page by page I looked up my specific problem areas on the contents page and went to the corresponding section in the book. I did the pressure points according to the book (which were extremely sore/sensitive and I was having a migraine at the time). My headache went away after a few hours. The next day I had another intense headache and noticed that more pressure areas had be "unlocked" from what I did the day before. I hit those areas and felt much better a few hours later.

I was spending about $40 once or twice a month to visit the chiropractor. I haven't been in over 6 weeks. I won't go again until I wreck while mountain biking. ;)

Conclusion - This book is easy to follow, very informative, and really REALLY helped me with my migraines. I would highly recommend getting it along with the back buddy or theracane massage tool.

Down the road - Many months later I have been having some very strange headaches and forgot about this book. I remembered this book and checked it out. I found the source of my problem and within 20 minutes of massage I my headache had minimized almost to nothing. I have also had problems with severe knee pain at night. I figured this was related to a bike accident. I found in this book at the problem is actually stemming from my ankle and muscles associated with it. I can relieve the problem easily but it still comes up now and then due to physical permanent damage suffered to my ankle ligaments.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
linda yeatts
This book is amazing. Look up your ache or pain, find the trigger point, work on it and "cure" yourself. I just bought my second copy of the first edition. I had ordered the second edition a few years ago and gave away my first edition copy. Unfortunately the binding in the second edition was inferior and pages started falling out which had never happened with my original copy. That is why I ordered this first edition copy again!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I was very surprised by this book. After being told by several different doctors that I had carpal tunnel syndrome, a new Physical Therapist told me about trigger points and let me borrow their theracane. I bought this book online and it word for word described my symptoms and where the trigger points were that were causing me such pain/numbness. I am dumbfounded that none of the doctors had ever mentioned trigger points. I felt relief after just a few sessions of working on particular points. Surgery was recommended at one point by the doctors. After having disastrous results from surgery on my foot, I refuse to undergo surgery again unless absolutely necessary. After working with my PT and using this book, I now realize that surgery is completely UNnecessary!
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
john moss
I really got motivated by reading this book and got a good idea of what a trigger point is how to self-treat it. I even bought a theracane. Even though I fixed a few trigger points, I actually messed a couple of places and ended up with more pain and had to see a "trigger point massage therapist".

But I really appreciate the fact that I am now able to identify the trigger points in my body and pin point it to my massage therapist who fixes it very good.
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
This book is based on an interesting concept. It is not easy to practice on yourself though and it probably takes a lot of time and work, which the book does say. It seems like the information could have been done with less wording though. Sometimes it feels like they were trying to fill pages to make the book look longer for some reason. Despite that, it is good and the therapy does work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
cory harris
Two weeks into working trigger points has shown remarkable result. I work with a tennis ball and a Back Buddy during a therapy session. Tools, I feel, are important to reach hard-to-get areas, and especially save fingers and hands from becoming sore. Go slow, visualize the muscle, touch affected areas gently, get to know your own muslces well, what they do, referred pain; explore and then massage a trigger...right where the author has shown...massage per instruction. The massage does not necessarily have to be aggressive though some tp's are more painful than others. I also go to a massuer, show her drawings in the book, and have her work those areas. This helps with getting to know my own threshold of pain or healing. The work book also provides information on causes for our pain -- gym, computer, sitting too long in our favorite reclinner. I've had to rethink how I move, sit, exercise, and relax. Thus far TTPTW has been a tremendous education, and an awakening. I recommend patience in getting to know the material. Learn it well. It's your life, self help that can make a difference. I also bought Stretching by Bob Anderson. From here on out, as I repair affected areas, I want to move with certainty I am strengthening the vehicle that carries my soul from here to there the rest of my days.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kelly small
As a massage therapist I have studied Travell & Simons' Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction-The Trigger Point Manual. I also keep it close by in my
office. Clair Davies in 'The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook' has made it
simple for someone who has not studied A&P to be able to relieve trigger points. I suggest that my clients purchase the book so they can 'work' on their muscles in between treatments in my office.
It is well written and illustrated. It can serve as a very useful tool for the muscle pain-sufferer and therapist alike.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gwen hardin
I love this book. I was suffering from a chronic neck pain that affected my everyday life. I could no longer exercise and was in constant pain. After visiting an orthopedic doctor, I was told that I had arthritis in my neck and advised to do exercises to improve my range of motion. After weeks of this, and there was some improvement, I was then told there was nothing more I could do, and would have to live with this. I was not willing to live my life like this - I was much too active. I told my brother and he recommended this book and described how it changed his life. He lent me the book and I immediately read and was hooked. I have been practicing what I read and had to have the book for myself. It is a great reference book. I am back to exercising again and my pain has subsided. When it flares up, I immediately go back to the therapy and in no time, I find relief. Thanks for writing such a great, easy to understand book that has given me a greater appreciation of alternative methods that work.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I read another book about trigger points and knew that there was something to it, but when I got Clair Davies' book it was like a revelation.
This book explains each muscle group and what the symptoms are, and exactly how you can "fix" yourself. You can open the book and begin applying the knowledge in a few minutes.
It is ideal for bone, joint or muscle problems, but also for many headaches, toothaches, sinus pain, and so on.
It is a shame that this information is so hard to find. I think every physician and health care worker should be very familiar with trigger points and how to teach others about them.
This is truly a book that lets you open it up and work instant miracles.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
kevin waddy
I have been suffering with heel pain for several years. I was about to go in for my third cortisone shot and my podiatrist was talking surgery. I also sit at a desk all day and have shoulder pain. This book has relieved me of the heel pain and I am working on back. I highly recommend buying a theracane and a knobble and I happened to have a cd rom called BodyWorks it shows in 3D detail all the muscles in the entire body it helped me locate alot of the muscles and understand their correlation to the areas she talks about in the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Trigger point therapy is complex and a clear, concise instruction book is needed. The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook is, to me, the best resource for this. It is not a only a how to, but a carefully worded (in lay terms) explanation of how and why trigger points develop and muscle structure. Invaluable. I've also helped a friend with a minor shoulder problem as well. NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A QUALIFIED TRIGGER POINT THERAPIST...IT IS IMPORTANT YOU REALIZE YOUR LIMITATIONS. Trigger point therapists have both the training and the touch and know how NOT to injure you. It is possible to do more harm than good if you are not careful and don't clearly understand what your are doing. I procured this book and the
Body Back Buddy after many visits with my trigger point therapist and I rely on him to teach me what I can do for myself along with the self-instruction. If you have a reputable therapist, this person will be very willing to instruct you on ways to help yourself, but when things get really's best to go to a professional and use this method for maintaining things.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
rowan keats
In my search for answers to the strange pains pressure and sensations I was having on the left side of my neck face and chin I was fortunate enough to come across this book. I had no idea what was wrong with me and was very scared and thinking the worst. My doctor could not tell me what was wrong either and I was starting to get the "it's all in your head" treatment. Within one week of receiving this book 80% of my symptoms were gone. All of my pains pressure and odd sensations where caused by major knots in my trapezius jaw and neck (SCM) muscles. The more I read this book the more it all makes sense - pushing a heavy double stroller - lifting and holding two kids - twisting my head while lying down to see the tv - sitting at the computer for long periods using poor posture - holding the phone between my ear and shoulder - the list goes on and on - we are all victims of everyday tasks that are bound to take their toll on our muscles. So if you are suffering from pain and you don't know why and you are sick of having to constantly take pain medication - this book is DEFINITELY a must have. It is certainly not the answer to all pain but it is surprisingly holds the answers to many unanswered pain questions (I think medical schools should start adding it to their cirriculum as well!)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
brent dixon
I have Myofascial Pain Syndrome and have struggled to get information and/or ways to help relieve my own trigger points. This is an amazing book and I would HIGHLY recommend it for EVERY person who is dealing with MPS. The key to living a "normal" life is being proactive about your condition and this book will certainly allow you to do that!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Interesting, clearly written, how-to book on finding and using trigger points to relieve pain. It really works. I just cannot figure out why this information is not more widespread in the health industry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This self help book is quite possibly the best illustrated guide for locating myofascial trigger points (TrPs) and their referral patterns available on the market to date. As a patient and author, I frequently refer to this book for my own treatment and to help others just beginning their journey with myofascial disease.

I also have fibromyalgia (FM), and newer research indicates possibly all FM patients also have chronic myofacial pain (CMP) from myofascial trigger points, different from the "tender points" of the American College of Rheumatology and the CDC criteria. It is believed by those who study this phenomenon that the peripheral nerve to muscle problem, the myofascial trigger point, provides constant feedback to the FM brain which is already in an oversensitive state. This makes MTrPs harder to treat as does other metabolic disorders. However, MTrPs are treatable and we know their presence is a great aggravator of the body-wide pain sensitivity in FM.

I frequently refer people to "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook." You would be amazed at the number of people with FM that are not aware that many of their symptoms are easily explained by the presence of MTrPs. My book does not cover TrP treatment, only an explanation of what they are, how the work, and the pain and dysfunction they can cause. I have many books on treatment of TrPs, and this is the best illustrated and organized. Many times I can trace back the location of my own primary TrPs by the referral patterns. If one has FM, I believe the addition of this book to their treatment library should be a must. Sincerely, Celeste Cooper, RN author "Integrative Therapies for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Myofascial Pain" co-author, Jeff Miller, PhD[...]
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
zack wagoner
I started training for triathlon six months ago, and along with the training has come aches and pains. Some are temporary, some are chronic. Traditional massage helps with the temporary variety, but the chronic aches just weren't going away and were really starting to make me think that "I'm too old for this spit" to paraphrase Det. Murtaugh. As a PA, I know about all the traditional routes for musculoskeletal healing, none of which have helped. (We really don't learn about this good stuff in school.) I was doing some research into alternative therapies and came across trigger point release, then this book. I received the book yesterday, read it, and began trying some trigger points today. The illustrations in the book are great, and if you don't know musculoskeletal anatomy, you soon will. After about 20 minutes, some tears from a bit of pain, then joy, I realized I was well on the road to recovery! The pain in my left posterior shoulder and upper arm, which I suspected was caused by a trigger point in one of the heads of my triceps and possibly my deltoid, was in fact really being caused by a (now, quite obvious) trigger point in my teres major muscle. After half a day of intermittently massaging this area for just a minute at a time, the shoulder feels almost as good as new. Now to find the root cause of what I think/thought was piriformis syndrome... This will truly be a transformative adventure in healing. Mr. Davies, you have my unending gratitude!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
susan e
This book is everything I expected and more. After shoulder surgery and living with Fibromyalgia I began to learn about trigger points from my therapist. This book along with the Body Back Buddy I also purchased from the store have saved my life. I can now locate and eliminate my trigger points before they take over. What a relief. I also purchased an additional book and Body Back Buddy to have one at work and one at home. My sister is now using both with great results also. Get them both you won't be sorry.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The author ties his narrative to medical research, along with the enthusiasm of convert. There is a good chance this is actually a revolutionary technique. I am no expert, but my apprentice blundering is easing the pain in my ears that is apparently a consequence of TMJ problems. My teeth are starting to meet right. My Dr. sent me to get a MRI and found nothing in my head and offered some anti inflamatory, meds which did help a little. The book helped more tho. I would reccommend it as a well made tool.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book is very helpful for someone like me who suffers from pain. My Dr recommended it to help me understand and identify my trigger points. I highly recommend this book as dealing with pain can be very frustrating and discouraging and this book helped me tremendously.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
So informative about the human body and the trigger points that we can work with to ease pain, ailments etc. Very easy to navigate, has illustrations, etc. Great workbook for learning. I ordered this workbook used and it is in really good shape and was delivered quickly.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book goes beyond simple acupressure points. It explains the connections between muscles, nerves, and blood vessels clearly and in detail. It explains clearly how certain syndromes come to be, syndromes that allopathic physicians most often just thrown drugs at. Of course, one must be patient and persistent in recovering from muscular injury or misuse but, if one is willing to do so, this book serves as an invaluable guide. My understanding has increased monumentally from poring over this tome.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
mia mcdaniels
Three years ago my knees were starting to hurt badly and were locking and cracking and I thought that would be the end of my running days. I took all kind of supplements for joint pain relief that idn't really help and I looked everywhere for a solution. When I got this book, it was really easy to find the trigger points and now my knees are much better. They stoppd locking and cracking. When they start hurting (in very cold weather or after a long run) I massage the trigger points and that normally stops the pain immediately. This book is easy to understand and has lots of pictures locating trigger points and their deferred pain patterns. I actually gave one to my dad, who doesn't even understand English and he uses it. Finding the exact location of your trigger point can be a bit difficult, but when you found it, you'll know it (I jumped in pain the first time I hit one). With a little bit of patience you'll be able to find and treat your trigger points and even though trigger point therapy cannot help every condition of pain, it is worth a try. I thought my knees were gone and it helped me. And all that for under $13!!!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
After suffering from repetitive motion syndrome for most of my life...if that is even a real diagnosis...and seeing an Occupational therapist for several months, I learned about this book. I have successfully use it to relieve pain and discomfort, sometimes getting immediate relief with a quick massage. Don't get me wrong, these techniques are not meant to provide a miracle CURE, but it is a way to learn about your body and how simple activities can cause unbearable pain. If you're willing to practice the techniques and take the time needed to manage your pain and discomfort, this is definitely a way to go. I have found that I can perform most of the techniques without any assistance and can avoid repeated trips to the OT. I commend the authors for sharing their knowledge with us. BTW...this is the 4th book I've purchased. I keep one for myself and have shared the others with friends.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
sarah stacey
Just about every time I get distracting muscle pain, this is my go-to book to find a solution. I would recommend this book to everyone. I do use a shiatsu massage pillow to work a lot of my trigger points, since I find that more effective than a lot of other methods.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
This book has absolutely been a life saver for me. I think doctors should own this book. Patients that suffer from back pain that cannot be diagnosed by MRI, CT, and other tests are probably suffering an active trigger point. I use a tennis ball as they refer to in the book to apply pressure to my trigger point in my left hip and shoulder. I also purchased the Thera-Cane that they discuss in the book and I absolutely love it! Words cannot describe how relieved and excited I was to find this book. It's fantastic. I took mine and showed it to my doctor, he was so impressed that he was planning to get himself one.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jennifer chau
This is a very thorough and informative book and has helped me manage my pain. I also believe in a really good acupuncturist and a great massage therapist who knows about trigger points, but if I can't get to them right away, I grab this book and my Back Buddy (or a tennis ball) and get to work. It is so helpful. I will hang onto this for many years to come!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
danay wright
A friend of mine recommended this book when I told him about some wrist pain that I had (which I assumed was carpal tunnel, due to my heavy keyboard/mouse use as an IT professional). For the low price of about $20 (which I think it's even cheaper now) I bought this workbook, and I have never looked back. The book has a great preamble about the concept of trigger point therapy, and why it makes so much sense. It has numerous example success stories, and talks a little bit about how the overall medical community has not yet embraced the idea of the therapy. I used the great illustrations and descriptions in the book to find trigger points for various muscle pains, and I am extremely pleased with the results.

I'm not one to believe much in homeopathic medicine. I don't believe much in natural methods of healing, although they can have their uses. This book says that most of the carpal tunnel surgeries that are performed are completely unnecessary! I know the medical community would probably not like that to be heard, but I'm a believer at this point. Using the easy-to-follow instructions in the book, I have found numerous places over time where I've had pain, and after as few as 2 sessions of about 5-10 minutes each, the pain was completely gone.

Example: I pulled the muscle in the top of my foot (the one you use if you were to raise your toes off the ground while standing) and it was extremely painful to walk. I found the trigger point for that muscle, which (if I recall correctly) was about 6 inches up my shin) and I could tell instantly when I found it because when I pushed on that spot, the muscle in my foot would hurt. I massaged that point, and in about 7-8 minutes the pain was completely gone, never to return. Ever since then I have been a believer.

I used the ideas in this book to help my brother-in-law who had severe back pain... he said it hurt to breathe, and within about 10 minutes he said it was so much better he couldn't thank me enough.

This book was well worth the cost. I still have several pages bookmarked for easy reference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
melissa ruiz
Great book. I have great respect for the author and his personal story. As a young woman with Fibromyalgia, I've found effective techniques to help alleviate frequent painful "flare" areas. The book explains in detail how to search for and handle certain areas that may be the cause of the aggravation. For years prior to my diagnosis of Fybro I was not aware that the aches and pain I have may be related or how to deal with them with the exception of generic advice from internal medicine specialists. Modification of diet, rest, exercise, and trial and error medications where the limited options for a long time. The only problem with the last sentence is the trial and error medications part. Next thing you know you are dealing with side effects of medication and its downhill from there. This book covers many uses for learning about physical and energetic points in our body that are related and effect different aspects. With the instruction of Trigger Point Therapy Workbook I've been able to minimize or completely stop the pain from common ailments from the Fibro flare ups to migraines to indigestion. This is a very useful source of necessary information. It goes hand in hand with a Thera Cane Massager which I purchased along with the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
dave hacker
A friend of mine recommended this book when I told him about some wrist pain that I had (which I assumed was carpal tunnel, due to my heavy keyboard/mouse use as an IT professional). For the low price of about $20 (which I think it's even cheaper now) I bought this workbook, and I have never looked back. The book has a great preamble about the concept of trigger point therapy, and why it makes so much sense. It has numerous example success stories, and talks a little bit about how the overall medical community has not yet embraced the idea of the therapy. I used the great illustrations and descriptions in the book to find trigger points for various muscle pains, and I am extremely pleased with the results.

I'm not one to believe much in homeopathic medicine. I don't believe much in natural methods of healing, although they can have their uses. This book says that most of the carpal tunnel surgeries that are performed are completely unnecessary! I know the medical community would probably not like that to be heard, but I'm a believer at this point. Using the easy-to-follow instructions in the book, I have found numerous places over time where I've had pain, and after as few as 2 sessions of about 5-10 minutes each, the pain was completely gone.

Example: I pulled the muscle in the top of my foot (the one you use if you were to raise your toes off the ground while standing) and it was extremely painful to walk. I found the trigger point for that muscle, which (if I recall correctly) was about 6 inches up my shin) and I could tell instantly when I found it because when I pushed on that spot, the muscle in my foot would hurt. I massaged that point, and in about 7-8 minutes the pain was completely gone, never to return. Ever since then I have been a believer.

I used the ideas in this book to help my brother-in-law who had severe back pain... he said it hurt to breathe, and within about 10 minutes he said it was so much better he couldn't thank me enough.

This book was well worth the cost. I still have several pages bookmarked for easy reference.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Great book. I have great respect for the author and his personal story. As a young woman with Fibromyalgia, I've found effective techniques to help alleviate frequent painful "flare" areas. The book explains in detail how to search for and handle certain areas that may be the cause of the aggravation. For years prior to my diagnosis of Fybro I was not aware that the aches and pain I have may be related or how to deal with them with the exception of generic advice from internal medicine specialists. Modification of diet, rest, exercise, and trial and error medications where the limited options for a long time. The only problem with the last sentence is the trial and error medications part. Next thing you know you are dealing with side effects of medication and its downhill from there. This book covers many uses for learning about physical and energetic points in our body that are related and effect different aspects. With the instruction of Trigger Point Therapy Workbook I've been able to minimize or completely stop the pain from common ailments from the Fibro flare ups to migraines to indigestion. This is a very useful source of necessary information. It goes hand in hand with a Thera Cane Massager which I purchased along with the book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Very helpful guide to personal trigger point release. Good illustrations. "Thanks, I needed that." You may remember a commercial where the actor's face is slapped, bracing wake-up. Trigger point release is a lot like that. :-)
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
bill 1098
This is a very informative book for learning how to find ways to alleviate some muscle overuse or strain.
Well presented information. It's good to read it entirely rather than jump to the trigger point treatment, as there are details that make a big difference. For certain muscle twinges and kinks, finding the trigger really turned it around for me.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
joey perez
A must have for any health practitioner. Pain is just a reflection a sign of something going on in your body. This book help you pinpoint areas that need attention that are causing pain in other reflected areas, Great book.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
krystal vanduysen
My husband and I both have some trigger point issues, and this book has helped us work on them at home. My mother, who is a certified massage therapist, turned me on to this book. She has used the authors' frozen shoulder book, and it has helped her tremendously.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who suffers from pain.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
jessica tice
Get this and the body back buddy or theracane. If you are looking at this then you are on the fence. If you are skeptical, I will point out a couple of truths:
1)If it seems too good to be true it usually is,
1a) in this case the catch is that its going to take hard work/self education (as many good things do)
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
libby dobbins
Excellent resource for anyone with aches and pains that don't SEEM to be related to anything. Amazing results and Amazing relief from some long-standing kinks in my shoulders and hips. It saved me from shoulder surgery-although it makes no claims whatsoever about doing such things. If you try it you will like it.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
david wegley
I'm a massage therapist and this book is indispensable. The book explains trigger point causes, mechanics, symptoms, treatment, etc. in short, concise paragraphs with simple language that are perfectly phrased for explaining things to my clients without getting all technical. The trigger point diagrams are organized by body region and each muscle discussed has its own diagram, description of causes & symptoms, and treatment method. A perfect quick reference guide to find the trigger points for specific referral areas.
Please RateTrigger Point Therapy Workbook Your Self Treatment Guide for Pain Relief 2ND EDITION [PB
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